Apr 30, 2013

Barbara Gilhooly

at Barbara Gilhooly

Logjam, 2007
You jump from a log to a log(lower part of the painting). You are desperately trying to get to the shore. But the current is too strong. So while you are running with all your power, at best you are keeping your position.  Most those things that you postpone for later, for "when I grew up", for "when I get rich" and to the bucket list stay there unfulfilled. The only thing that keeps you running is hope (the light blue background) that the day to get items from the bucket list will come earlier than the bucket.

Apr 29, 2013

Andree Carter

at Ann Connelly Fine Art

Slightly Silver

Everything that was important in your life became small irrelevant. It is torn into small pieces and seems to you as a collage of your former life. Everything is still. The big black grief is blocking any movements in your life. The grief is feeding on your memories (the white structure). The only thing that is fighting the standstill is the desire to live/hope (the blue structures). The hope is creating new life(the thicker red nets) and trying to bond thouse pockets of resistance together.

Apr 28, 2013

Weekend Edition 42

Fernand Léger

The House in the trees, La Maison dans les arbres, 1913

Your house (the orange colored structures on  the left) should be in harmony with nature (the green spheres from the lower left to the upper middle). When it does (the green stripes between the house and the trees, and the light green small trees on the left), the nature will envelope you and protect you from outside forces. 

Apr 26, 2013

Michael Secor

at Ann Connelly Fine Art

You are lonely. Alone in the middle of the night. You are full of jealousy up to the brim(the orange elements). Your imagination runs wild. It creates absolutely outrageous scenarios(the black-dark-blue-blue structures). The more you think about it the more you get yourself locked up in the cage (the orange stripes in the lower right corner). The real problem is that there is nothing to be jealous about. The real problem is you(the green truck on the middle left).

Apr 25, 2013

Virginia Cole

at Virginia Cole Fine Art

The Canal
It is a sunny summer day (yellow undertones). You are traveling a canal on a boat. It is Sunday family excursion (a check mark at lower left middle). Blue skies (blue rectangle on the right). The water is murky blue(the blue figure on the left). The canal is old : here and there you can see the marks of age and decay(the brown figure in the low right, the black figure on the upper left). From time to time you are catching yourself thinking about work, Monday, what you have to do in the office(the blueish white area in the upper right and all elements in it: brown square, black lines).

Apr 24, 2013

Chase Langford

at Bryant Street Gallery

Commercial Street Carnivale

When you were little you liked fairs and folk holidays. The rides, the music, the food - it was pure joy. When you grew up you understand that they all are shallow standard commerce-driven enterprises. While getting old, the fairs regain their lost shine, but now that is nostalgia and memories.

Apr 23, 2013

Chuck Voelter

at Ann Connelly Fine Art

Red Knot
Everyone has troubles, bad time (the black structure). But how could you distinguish between the bad and the good when there would not be the bad? Only by having bad times you can truly appreciate the good time. This wisdom (the purple spots) grows on the troubles as muscles on the bones.

Apr 22, 2013

Doug Kennedy

at Ann Connelly Fine Art

Different threads are weaved together to create a fabric. Different story lines are used to create the plot. We use the clothes to protect us from the environment and to hide our physical defects. We use entertainment to hide us from the environment and to protect from our psyche's defects.

Apr 19, 2013

Myong Stebbins

at Bryant Street Gallery

Poem from Gyeongju III
Love is like an intricate plant. It has roots - events that our conscience does not register. They lead us to the point in time when love gets out of ground, into the open. Love starts to bloom with flowers of desire (lilac spots in the center). They outgrow fast into the white down of comfort. A blow of wind takes the down away. Love sadly dies. But it leaves the seeds for the next spring.

Apr 18, 2013

Amanda Talley

at Ann Connelly Fine Art

You are getting a feeling that someone is watching you. You are getting nervous, almost paranoid. You are afraid of anyone following you. The problem is that you don't do anything worth hiding. But anyway you jump on every unexpected sound. And then you realize that this is your shadow. You are afraid of yourself. You are your worst enemy. This is true not only how you can treat yourself, for you know yourself best.

Apr 17, 2013

Chase Langford

at Bryant Street Gallery

Bondi 4
At first you are intrigued by mystery(the black spots). You start exploring. Pretty fast you get to the erotic part(the white-red figures in the left middle). The further explorations are giving you huge rewards in soul bonding(the blue figures on the left and light green field on the right). But the exploration never stops, it just elevates to the next level.

Apr 16, 2013

Naum Gabo

at Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert(Art 43 Basel 2012)

Dissonanz, 1940
It is the birth of nazism. Greed(yellow) with racism (white) and romanticism(blue) creates the nazism(the grey cancer tumor). The nazism mix with pedantism(the brown figure) produces a double edged knife (the semi-transparent ribbon). The knife is a cold killing machine that is ready to cut anything and anyone, including its parents when it gets an order.

Apr 15, 2013

Robin Cole

at Ann Connelly Fine Art

Resuscitating My Soul
The soul is dead. The significant events, good (white circles) as well as bad start to pull the soul out of the hole it was buried(the black figure in the lower left corner). The soul starts its fly(the black lines) as a spacecraft propelled by the gravitational forces of other souls and circumstances. It has sometimes a setback (a black line in the center toward the black circle). It is slowly moving to the door( the  partial rectangle in the upper right corner). The door is the portal to the next level, the happy one.

Apr 12, 2013

Vargas-Suarez Universal

at GE Galeria (Volta NY 2013)

Vector Group: Organic Compound, 2012
There is an outside image : logical, organized and solid (the dark figures in the background). Then there is an inside image : vulnerable, soft and based on feelings (the organic structures on the upper left and lower right).  But the real you are the blinds (the grey vertical and horizontal lines). They filter what comes out and what gets in.

Apr 11, 2013

Andree Carter

at Ann Connelly Fine Art

Bridge to Nowhere
People do strange things. They tend to waste time on useless hobbies. They create small guarded environments where they do virtual things that nobody seems to care about (the red bold figures). But some of them do it to escape gruesome reality they are living in (the black figures). Others are doing it to connect to people (thin red lines and leaks). They create networks of connections. Connections make the lives of people involved and lives of all people  much more interesting and varied.

Apr 10, 2013

Carol Farrow

at Gentry Fine Art


Some things can be healed. Some things can be welded. Some stuff can be fixed by putting a band-aid on. Sure, there are some scars, but you think that everything is fine. But the things are starting to fall apart inside(figures around the central crack). Gradually the things are changed so much that they don't fit together anymore. The parts drift apart, so they become two different structures.

Apr 9, 2013

Roy T. Durrant

at Art World Gallery

October Place
October - you still remember the summer : beach, sand and bikinis (a pair of white triangles on the black background in the center). There is a feast of colors around you : yellows, reds, browns, pinks, etc. But don't make a mistake - it is an agony before the death. You can see the black naked branches, barren ground. There is a dissonance between the lively wild colors of autumn and the melancholy you are feeling about the apparent decay and dying.

Apr 8, 2013

Meredith Pardue

Sea Change 12
The reason the majority of people do not commit suicide is they evolve. They are changing over time. The things that were huge in your life are fading into an oblivion. Old interests die. You stop contacting people that are not compatible with your state of mind (gray-green spots on the left). But the new things are born (blue spots in the center and the right). The new things are pulling after themselves other new stuff that interests you. Evolution.

Apr 6, 2013

Weekend Edition 41

Ben Nicholson

Gouache, 1940-43

A couple (the rectangles combined from the colorful figures(black, beige, yellow, blue, white). They are felt connected. They have a lot in common. They are good together. But they are different. The things have different priorities.

Apr 5, 2013

Lee Kaloidis

Life puts traps, loops and detours(black structures) at you. But something is pushing you forward. This something is called fate, destiny or purpose(green structure). You are getting your rewards now and then ( red spots). The rewards are nothing comparing to when you meet another Life that is your soul-mate(the square in the upper left corner).

Apr 4, 2013

Sam Reveles

at CRG Gallery

Wilderness Study #23, 2007
A Scandal brings grief, problems and a turmoil for people that are directly involved (the dark blue doodles). Then it turns into a material for news and gossip(the blue doodles). Over time it become an anecdote(the white doodles). And of course you need a supply network to keep the flames glowing - tight knitted community of people (the background).

Apr 3, 2013

Howard Hersh

at Addington Gallery


The Artist reaches deep inside her soul. She gets out of the darkness the bright flames of feelings. The Artist tries to put those onto a material plane - the flats of canvas or paper. Sometimes she succeeds, sometimes she needs to do better next time.

Apr 2, 2013

Pia Fries

at CRG Gallery

Untitled, 2003/2004
All the tinsel will be washed away over time. All the unimportant stuff will be forgotten. The essence of your past emerges. And if you had a happy life (though you didn't realize it, while the events were unraveling), the happiness will dominate your memories(the light turquoise spots).